PROFIL- MP PROFIL- MP PROFIL- MP •• Il semblerait qu'une chèvre ou bien un bouc, personne ne sait vraiment de quoi il s'agit, se balade dans les couloirs du château. Parfois même, des élèves affirment entendre le rire mesquin de cette maudite bestiole sans jamais pouvoir mettre la main dessus. Le directeur affirme pourtant qu'aucune chèvre ou bouc ne se balade dans les couloirs. Affaire à suivre.

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 Boogie down like a unicorn • Noah • U.C

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Noah Z. Graham
Gryffondor • Septième année
Noah Z. Graham
Messages : 29
Gryffondor • Septième année
MessageSujet: Boogie down like a unicorn • Noah • U.C   Boogie down like a unicorn • Noah • U.C EmptyLun 13 Fév - 11:53

18 ans
7ème année
mauvais élève
Noah Z. Graham
Boule d'énergie increvable, infatigable, Noah c'est ce garçon qui vous donne autant de bonne humeur qu'il peut irriter de monde. Il semble toujours armé de ce merveilleux sourire et de cette voix joviale au possible. Peut-être semble t'il un peu niais, un peu simplet mais cela, il s'en moque grandement. Il n'a jamais vécu baigné dans l'éducation irréprochable que l'on peut reconnaître chez certains jeunes sorciers issus des milieux les plus bourgeois, loin de là. Noah est ce garçon au langage qui n'est pas soutenu, maladroit parfois complètement vulgaire ou incorrect. Et malgré ces années passées à Poudlard, il maintient cette façon de parler et d'être qui n'est pas menée à la baguette par l'étiquette sociale. Il parle fort, n'est pas discret, s'étonne de la moindre nouveauté, s'ébahit devant la magie, toujours, encore, éternellement. Il n'est pas bon en cours, ce n'est pas une nouveauté. Ses talents de lecteur laissent à désirer passant certainement bien plus de temps que n'importe qui pour lire juste un simple mot dans un des grimoires de l'école. Il confond parfois les mots, bute sur certains et se comporte uniquement en suivant son instinct. Noah n'est pas un gamin bien éduqué, il n'est même pas conscient de l'importance de l'étiquette qu'il trouve pire que futile.

Noah c'est l'ouverture d'esprit pure et dure, c'est celui qui ne fait aucune différence, celui qui n'a aucun préjugé et qui ne s'énerve pas face aux premières provocations qui lui sont offertes. Il est protecteur, attentionné bien qu'il ne comprenne pas toujours de quoi vous parlez. Étrangement, son instinct semble être ce qui lui attire bien des ennuis tout comme ce qui lui permet de s'en tirer

random facts

• Noah n'assume absolument pas l'apparence de son patronus. Il s'attendait à une créature plus..impressionnante et on lui a offert un putois.

• Son hibou s'amuse à le pincer et à lui voler son cache-oeil. Il n'a aucune autorité sur lui mais cela ne l'empêche pas de l'aimer.

• Ses réflexes sont excellents et il les travaille tous les jours et sa manière de jouer au Quidditch est plus que particulière car complètement adaptée à son "handicap".

Dernière édition par Noah Z. Graham le Lun 13 Fév - 15:53, édité 1 fois
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Noah Z. Graham
Gryffondor • Septième année
Noah Z. Graham
Messages : 29
Gryffondor • Septième année
MessageSujet: Re: Boogie down like a unicorn • Noah • U.C   Boogie down like a unicorn • Noah • U.C EmptyLun 13 Fév - 11:53


short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.  

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.  

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.  

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.  

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.  

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.  

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.  

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.  

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.  


Dernière édition par Noah Z. Graham le Sam 18 Fév - 13:36, édité 1 fois
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Noah Z. Graham
Gryffondor • Septième année
Noah Z. Graham
Messages : 29
Gryffondor • Septième année
MessageSujet: Re: Boogie down like a unicorn • Noah • U.C   Boogie down like a unicorn • Noah • U.C EmptyLun 13 Fév - 11:53


C'est ouvert o/
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Catalina Morales
Serdaigle • Septième année
Catalina Morales
Animal de Compagnie : Chouette effraie nommée Caramel
Boogie down like a unicorn • Noah • U.C RRY0WKa
Messages : 40
Age : 24
Localisation : La Tour de Serdaigle
Serdaigle • Septième année
MessageSujet: Re: Boogie down like a unicorn • Noah • U.C   Boogie down like a unicorn • Noah • U.C EmptyMer 22 Fév - 4:52

On est en septième, toi et moii. <3

Amourette ? Copain de farces ? Tu te fais réprimander parce qu'elle doit faire sa job de préfet de temps en temps ??
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Ezra Owen Griggs
Ezra Owen Griggs
Animal de Compagnie : Serpent des blés
Boogie down like a unicorn • Noah • U.C Ze1h
Messages : 157
MessageSujet: Re: Boogie down like a unicorn • Noah • U.C   Boogie down like a unicorn • Noah • U.C EmptyLun 27 Fév - 23:43

Uuuuh pourquoi j'ai pas répondu plus tôt, désolée ;;

Alors vui un lien avec grand plaisir ♥️Alors...."amourette" possible que Noah trouve carrément mignonne, magnifique, tout ce que tu veux de beau Catalina. Sauf que c'est un sacré boulet alors il risque de soit : perdre ses moyens ou de balancer le bon vieux "T'es canon" (ou équivalent encore moins raffiné) sans aucune classe et sans se rendre compte que...ben ça se dit ptet pas forcément comme ça Boogie down like a unicorn • Noah • U.C 4055572764 Et puis c'est pas comme si il comprenait grand chose à ce genre de choses...enfin balancer ça comme ça, il soupçonnerait absolument pas que celui puisse paraître vulgaire et déplacé Boogie down like a unicorn • Noah • U.C 4055572764

Après, oui, c'est largement faisable qu'il se fasse réprimander aussi...Et que si ils s'entendent bien derrière il tente de faire le ptit coup du "Je tente de t'attendrir sauf que ça marche pas parce que je suis pas doué à ça et surtout je sais pas mentir". Après ouai, je vois difficilement un lien 100% négatif entre eux deux. (De toute façon le 100% négatif faut aller le chercher assez loin, je l'avoue. XDD) Mais heu...oui, en soit Cata il risque de lui faire perdre ses moyens autant qu'il risque de lui balancer des mots absolument pas charmants qui sont pourtant des compliments.

Enfin je ne sais pas vers quoi tu voudrais t'orienter du coup. XDD
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Boogie down like a unicorn • Noah • U.C
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